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id: string,
ex_id: EX_ID,
pair_source: string,
is_buy: boolean,
quantity: number,
price: number,
executed_quantity: number,
total: number,
timestamp_nano: number

The model of the exchange order.

  • id - the order's exchange identifier.
  • ex_id - id of the exchange. Look at the EX_ID constant.
  • pair_source - the short exchange name of the pair.
  • is_buy - "true" if this is a "buy" order, otherwise "false".
  • status - order status. Look at the ORDER_STATUS constant.
  • quantity - the quantity of coins in the order.
  • price - order price.
  • executed_quantity - executed quantity.
  • total - executed quantity in the second coin.
  • timestamp_nano - UNIX timestamp in nanoseconds.



id: number,
ex_id: EX_ID,
pair: string,
pair_source: string,
is_buy: boolean,
is_bot: boolean,
quantity: number,
price: number,
error: string,
ex_order_id: string

Trade order model. Used to work with and subscribe to the trade bot.

  • id - order identifier.
  • ex_id -  id of the exchange. Look at the EX_ID constant.
  • pair - full pair name.
  • pair_source - short pair name.
  • is_buy - "true" if this is a "buy" order, otherwise "false".
  • is_bot - is false if the order is manually created.
  • type - constant. Look at TRADE_ORDER_TYPE
  • quantity - the quantity of coins in the order.
  • price - order price.
  • error - may contain the text of an order execution error.
  • ex_order_id - the order's exchange identifier. It is necessary to obtain data about the exchange order.



id: number,
ex_id: EX_ID,
pair: string,
pair_source: string,
is_buy: boolean,
origin_price: number,
step_percent: number,
dump_percent: number,
stop_loss: number,
quantity: number

Trailing order model. Used to work with trailing bots and subscriptions to it.

  • id - order identifier.
  • ex_id -  id of the exchange. Look at the EX_ID constant.
  • pair - full pair name.
  • pair_source - short pair name.
  • is_buy - "true" if this is a "buy" order, otherwise "false".
  • origin_price - initial trailing price.
  • step_percent - the percentage of the next trailing step.
  • dump_percent - a percentage of the price to roll back to sell.
  • stop_loss - the price of the stop loss value.
  • quantity - the quantity of coins on the order.



pair_source: string,
ask: [][]number,
bid: [][]number

Contains DOM data.

  • pair_source - short pair name.
  • ask - an array sorted in ascending order.
    • ask[n][1] - price
    • ask[n][2] - volume
  • bid - an array sorted in descending order.
    • bid[n][1] - price
    • bid[n][2] - volume